如果信條片講, 玩到 燒 底板就 真係 欲哭無睙呢作者: vickyrx7 時間: 2011-12-6 00:07
Mini-z Buggy Brushless Testrun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiwHk5Iw3WY&feature=related作者: joesample 時間: 2011-12-6 00:43
I installed chili in my mini buggy without modifying FET, it performs nicely without problem except the car becomes very hot.
Also, I asked Atomic, they said no FET is needed for buggy.作者: hunry_man 時間: 2011-12-6 11:22 回復 tomcheng18 的帖子
I don't think so, MOSFET on Buggy is still 3010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If65EpjvH7k作者: joesample 時間: 2011-12-7 01:25
Yes, according to Kyosho site, the buggy FET can take up X2 amp compare to all previous Mini-z. However, is it good enough for Chili, I still don't know. But based on my trial run with Chili (Pinion gear 13, spur gear 35), it works nicely for about 10 minutes per pack of battery (Orion 750).
I will try to use a more agressive gear ratio (pinion 15, spur 35) to see if it will burn the buggy.....
作者: 2slow 時間: 2011-12-7 10:34
of course, gear ratio sure have influence on how the FET takeup the loading...
你之前講"the car becomes very hot"已經唔係咁好喇作者: scalpel 時間: 2011-12-7 10:44
From Atomic web for using Chili motor: