RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 請教 takeoff rp drift tire [打印本頁]

作者: gegegum    時間: 2006-10-4 13:30
標題: 請教 takeoff rp drift tire
請問有冇師兄用過takeoff rp drift tire, 唔知好唔好, 因為買唔到02呔,所以想試o下!


作者: jackychau    時間: 2006-10-4 18:06
原帖由 gegegum 於 2006-10-4 13:30 發表
請問有冇師兄用過takeoff rp drift tire, 唔知好唔好, 因為買唔到02呔,所以想試o下!


係law 係law
我係KWS 行左好多間都搵唔到02 啊....
作者: chinamonkey7    時間: 2006-10-4 20:06
AS I SAID, they sell it in RCMART.com, just buy it online

about the performance, they are better than ABS tubes, and works more consistent than YOKOMO tire because the compound it all around the same, and not combine the rubber and plastic. you can use 0 degree camber in the RP tire.

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