金屬pulley 都好快花 我買了两隻磨損1隻 容易界損皮帶 都唔再用改t3 pullry較耐用作者: hele 時間: 2012-1-5 09:49
T3 rear belt no good at all.作者: nelsonxchin 時間: 2012-1-5 09:54
Thank you c hing, 因為我換了金屬pulley只跑了5-6排電,就常常玩417了作者: tekin708 時間: 2012-1-5 10:00
must buy T3-2012.作者: Lomomo 時間: 2012-1-5 10:52
Packet says made in slovekia. But what isn't made in china nowadays?作者: s.y.kwok 時間: 2012-2-29 21:40
TITC 2012嘅賽果證實咗T3並唔係冇戰鬥力的作者: Noir.KAZE 時間: 2012-2-29 21:45
Slovakia is not a communist country anymore. Yes I found it to be interesting that A700 was made in Taiwan too.作者: cpkd 時間: 2012-3-1 09:31
架架車車都差不多, 最緊要係個setting同隻手指...hehe作者: RCANDY 時間: 2012-3-1 13:51 回復 cpkd 的帖子