Officially Licensed Subaru Body 世界冠軍 Atsushi Hara 及 Andy Moore 於世界各地 不同跑道測試 * Ultimate balance of downforce and speed * More aggressive Steering * More Rear Grip * For Maximum Performance
The performance of the HB Subaru Impreza Type C will be maximized by reducing the gap between the bod and the front bumper, especially on high speed race tracks.
How much??thx作者: chukachun 時間: 2012-2-5 13:46
how much ??THX作者: chukachun 時間: 2012-2-5 13:46
how much ??THX作者: hinjohn246 時間: 2012-2-5 14:07
how much ??THX作者: monkey1 時間: 2012-2-6 22:27
Pls reserve to me作者: 870110a 時間: 2012-2-6 23:37
how much"thx作者: cfivanlo 時間: 2012-2-7 00:50
How much, pls作者: lionpp 時間: 2012-2-7 00:55
how much ??THX 作者: Lotus 時間: 2012-2-7 11:48
how much"thx作者: chui 時間: 2012-2-7 16:50
how much作者: G4guy 時間: 2012-2-7 20:16
pm me the price plx.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者: nelsonxchin 時間: 2012-2-8 19:54
How much and 上色how much?作者: Marco明 時間: 2012-2-15 14:39
how much?作者: zx300 時間: 2012-4-10 01:12
any availability ? PM 作者: 銀魔鬼 時間: 2012-4-10 02:21
how much?作者: 539444 時間: 2012-4-10 11:15
how much?作者: prado3989 時間: 2012-4-10 14:07
完全睇唔到邊忽似掃帚佬作者: 0433351410 時間: 2012-4-10 14:39
how much?作者: chris6200 時間: 2012-4-10 16:45
how much? 作者: sunnyho710 時間: 2012-4-14 13:33
How much ??? Thx 作者: chukachun 時間: 2012-4-14 15:15
how much please??作者: ken0750 時間: 2012-4-14 16:33
how much pls pm!作者: chris6200 時間: 2012-5-14 09:41
any stock and How much the shell?作者: TENBOY 時間: 2012-5-14 09:48
how much作者: kikiki 時間: 2012-5-14 10:29
how much?作者: lobo617 時間: 2012-5-14 12:20
多少錢? 作者: zero 時間: 2012-5-15 06:18
how much? 作者: yokomo 時間: 2012-5-15 09:39 回復 jethobby 的帖子
Please PM me the price... thx !!作者: bb149 時間: 2012-5-15 09:59
how much?作者: 毛 時間: 2012-5-15 10:19
有冇200MM????作者: ckwckw 時間: 2012-5-15 11:36
How much ?
Thx!作者: terrykan 時間: 2012-5-15 11:46
How much?作者: pokapi 時間: 2012-5-15 13:31
how much ??