作者: longman0072 時間: 2012-2-6 13:35
WTCC: BMW, Honda, Chevy, Seat~~~ not bad........
but the DTM is even better: 3 big german mfrs 're in competetion: BMW, Mercedes + Audi........
The GT300 CRZ is very cool~~ 作者: kennethwsl 時間: 2012-2-6 14:25
v good news!!
But side track, how to watch WTCC in HK? need NOW?作者: mandymiu 時間: 2012-2-6 17:26
去年明珠台星期日Sunday Sports有精華,不定期。但今年唔知有冇。作者: mandymiu 時間: 2012-2-6 17:28 回復 longman0072 的帖子