s411te 跟混炭臂嗎? , 另sport 版跟新款油壓還是舊款? thanks!!!作者: LeoChan 時間: 2012-3-8 14:35
all is new shock !作者: cfchow98 時間: 2012-3-27 12:46
想問到貨未?作者: cfchow98 時間: 2012-5-12 12:02
已經May到未見影? 發生什麼?作者: LeoChan 時間: 2012-5-12 16:19
They said delay to MAY release !作者: cfchow98 時間: 2012-5-13 00:23
Thanks Leo. As least you have some feedback to yr fans作者: LeoChan 時間: 2012-5-13 01:10