我會買Pro版,但我買果陣係八百幾,都叫有金屬尾hub同膠油壓。如果諗住大改就不如散砌。作者: novacell 時間: 2012-3-12 12:01
把心一橫不如 TOP Sabre fd mini......... 1.6 - 1.7k 差唔多齊料........2010年頭入左部 m05 pro, around 850........Roll Bar, Damper, 萬向, 尾c 座 都 5-6 舊.........但改完車架始終都係 塑膠 車.......... 作者: Senninha 時間: 2012-3-12 12:02
M05 S-spec (Silver edition) should be better, you just need the buy the alu motor plate first and other options can be upgraded later step by step. (arround <$1400 + $100 + $180 for the body).作者: EG_CIVIC 時間: 2012-3-12 12:07
啱啱上星期五响橋底見試過Top Mini,真係快好多作者: Allan007 時間: 2012-3-12 12:18