協辦及讚助商: 協辦傳媒:
Teampowers 香港遙控模型月刊
Team Silverback 香港遙控人月刊
Team Orca www.rc-kws.com
Team C www.rc-evo.com
HobbyPro www.rc-one.com
3racing www.rc-fans.com
By Energy 排名不分先後
VBC racing
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Speed Passion
Serpent(Hong Kong)
Rc penny
摩打: ( 不限品牌 )
A) 540 / 05 級尺吋之無炭刷摩打或炭刷摩打
B) 無刷有感摩打10.5T數據(任可品牌)
C) 無刷有感摩打13.5T數據或以上(任可品牌)
電變:B項:1/10房車5分鐘10.5T摩打(電變關turbo及零度 Timing)Rules
New approval listing for ROAR Sportsman Class Speed Controls
The ROAR Executive Committee, Electric Section Chairperson, and Consultation with its Industry Affiliate Manufacturers, have compiled a listing of electronic speed controllers (ESC) for use in ROAR sportsman racing programs.
Speed Controllers eligible for Sportsman Class racing must be capable of providing ZERO Timing Advance along with disabling Advanced Motor Control Functions (i.e. Boost, Cheat Mode, Turbo, SuperCharge, etc).
When the “sportsman” profile is enabled, the ESC shall indicate the profile by a unique LED (constant or blinking) while the ESC is “armed” and in neutral position. The unique visual identification detail will be published along with the ESC listing of approved products.
ESC manufacture affiliates have been working with the ROAR Section Committees to develop the sportsman ESC definitions and update firmware to meet the class standard. Firmware in the latest advanced speed control products must provide a profile, which allows its use to comply with sportsman ESC profile requirements.
Several affiliates are working on firmware updates which will allow additional ESC’s to be added. Members should contact the manufacturer directly for firmware updates or questions regarding any ESC they wish to have added to the ROAR sportsman approved ESC listing.