ben 兄,我都想,但我部 sc 未砌作者: benlau 時間: 2012-3-22 23:59
比它嚇親作者: mlee 時間: 2012-3-23 01:31
Ben Gor, can You share your entire upgrade list please!作者: mlee 時間: 2012-3-25 01:49
Ben Gor, what's your opinion about A-plus,作者: Marksman 時間: 2012-3-25 19:49
我部SC 就快可以掉了,可能買架factory team 翻來 replace 佢作者: benlau 時間: 2012-3-25 19:49
無錯, 新車做 real life test 作者: Marksman 時間: 2012-3-25 22:47
同時我又諗緊換 Losi Ten-SCTE RTR, 唔知受唔受到我呀仔d測試 protocol 作者: mlee 時間: 2012-3-26 00:47
Red Star has a new SC10 Wor, anyone get it?作者: mlee 時間: 2012-3-26 01:03
FT version SC10 FT作者: mlee 時間: 2012-3-26 01:25
all I can get is gear diff, ad al screw set...... The rest of options required to pre-ordered....作者: Marksman 時間: 2012-3-26 11:52
Losi's RTR doesn't need time to assemble and set up and donno the reliability under extreme condition (my son driving style).
SC10 FT need time to assemble and set up but I hava an old car for spare parts
Not easy to select ...作者: euro614 時間: 2012-3-26 12:00
Losi's RTR doesn't need time to assemble and set up and donno the reliability under extreme conditio ...
SCTE 易撞爛的,應該只係尾bumper only,其它都ok。
零件本身的消耗極快,所以佢好多都有加硬option. 作者: ford 時間: 2012-3-26 12:07 本帖最後由 ford 於 2012-3-26 18:55 編輯
just buy two more ae, ....can share with your son. Save every. 作者: Marksman 時間: 2012-3-26 14:31
Thanks for Bro's suggestion作者: euro614 時間: 2012-3-27 11:19