另外想問問各位師兄家下一 set Seawind連控連電連charger大約幾$$呢??? ...
應該$3000 有找..
IOM係比賽級別船. "International One Metre Class" 可看看這 http://www.velarc.net/classe_iom.htm 作者: gutyeh 時間: 2012-3-24 23:02
thanks for yours information,
i hv phone to Hung sxxx,they said they hv seawind,i ll go there at my holiday time,hope that we can play together in future!!作者: Skipper 時間: 2012-3-25 11:40
thanks for yours information,
i hv phone to Hung sxxx,they said they hv seawind,i ll go there at my ...
For your information, the factory design of hatch was poor, you need to follows C-hing's method to improve the water tight of hatch before playing at sea, otherwise, the salt water will damage the electronic receiver/servo inside hull.作者: Johnny28 時間: 2012-3-25 12:14
SEAWIND 是一條好船,買了你不會後悔。 作者: gutyeh 時間: 2012-3-25 12:30
So,How to improve the water tight of hatch for playing at seaside?thks作者: Skipper 時間: 2012-3-25 18:50