RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 齒輪差速同單向有咩分別 [打印本頁]

作者: devilmaycry    時間: 2012-3-25 16:36
標題: 齒輪差速同單向有咩分別
作者: tiger1    時間: 2012-3-25 16:43
Differential is differential. Gear diff are differential using gears to rotate the left and right shafts. One way has no differential actions, only allows one side to move faster than the other side. They are for different application, no such thing as one better than the other. All depends on multiple factors.
作者: Allan007    時間: 2012-3-25 18:14
回復 devilmaycry 的帖子


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