Turbo Timing:0deg 等於關了 turbo & turbo 使用在大直路.
Boost Timing:25deg 使用在出彎 / 中段
Boost Timing ACC:500rpm/deg = 加速率, 500 比 300 加 boost 加得慢D, 可以減少 ESC 負荷 = 減少溫度作者: chankh 時間: 2012-3-27 20:12
其實1/12用mod mode會比較合適嗎?作者: ernestf 時間: 2012-3-27 20:49
Just want to share my experience.
I used Speedpassion 1s esc with a sp v3 mmm 4.5 motor, 1s lipo
Using mod firmware, esc is about 50c after 8 min run, boost 16 / turbo 16
Using stock firmware, esc is about 85c (under hot weather in Singapore), boost 10 / turbo 10 / timing acc 700
Rollout and setting remained the same in both test, single best lap and overall 8min result was much better when using stock firmware. Motor temp was 50c with mod firmware and about 60c with stock firmware. No cooling fan.作者: hardmankam 時間: 2012-3-27 20:56 回復 chankh 的帖子
You are very brave using stock mode with a 4.5R motor! I think if you added more boost/turbo in stock mode, your esc may fry as it is quite close to its limit with your settings. 作者: hardmankam 時間: 2012-3-28 12:25 回復 chankh 的帖子