yes.遲D改玩rally作者: tiger1 時間: 2012-4-7 07:03
#5 is out of his/her mind 作者: felita 時間: 2012-4-7 14:42
Good for beginner. 作者: victor.rc 時間: 2012-4-9 21:51
Very nice car.作者: Chrischu33 時間: 2012-4-9 22:22
我都有架,在家中荒廢了十年作者: doubleman 時間: 2012-4-10 09:58
呢架車超簡易..兩邊夾埋就玩得作者: leung9090 時間: 2012-4-26 19:02
好車作者: civic9893 時間: 2012-7-14 20:30
我都有套, 仲係 掃把佬殼作者: emaxxyeung 時間: 2012-7-15 00:09
有師兄想放手。可以PM 小弟 作者: polarbear 時間: 2012-7-16 12:50
To make a better lateral weight balance of the chassis, you may try using the lightweight (grey material) at the motor side and use the original at the left. 作者: felita 時間: 2012-7-17 01:39
Can any Ching advise me where can I buy the lightweight chassis (not available at KWS and Waixx)?作者: yiumk 時間: 2012-7-17 13:34 回復 felita 的帖子
Ching FYI, lightweight chassis discountinued for long time.作者: scale_rc 時間: 2012-7-21 15:58
;P simple but good car !!