請問師兄有無拆油門servo接engine條彈弓? 個油門servo好雞, 唔夠力拉到油門全開喔?
另外個轉向servo都好似唔多夠力, 原地扭唔到盡軚, 係咪正常?作者: ford 時間: 2012-4-21 20:23
next time take out the spark and it will easy to
Pass the dead point作者: ThomasZ 時間: 2012-4-21 20:47
I have similar experience when I was form 2! When I came back from school, I found the car was relocated and some parts were disappeared. I asked ar ma and she replied that she had relocated it properly. Is it your case? Moreover, I also repair my car when my gf is in bathroom! Haha作者: AltezzaMak 時間: 2012-4-21 23:58
我都好想買部 savage XL K5.9, 但油車好污穢, 唔係太想玩...