師兄:係邊區中石化,我問過中石化油站D員工,佢地話無D咁嘅事,最多平雞半一升.作者: speedstar 時間: 2012-5-4 01:35
中石化 D 油 is from Singapore, same as some other oil companies in HK. The difference is mainly the additives used.作者: GSXR600 時間: 2012-5-4 01:54
唔得就執左喇 你估大陸咩作者: gimsink 時間: 2012-5-4 10:17
I live in Yuen Long, so I refill in Yuen Long 中石化, just refill last night, pay cash, discount is HK$2.2/L, 63.22L, total HK$950.作者: cytnet 時間: 2012-5-4 10:25
但係我地呢d私家車仔.....代步.....中石油ok架喇作者: zeda 時間: 2012-5-4 11:55
I feel that when compare with Esso or Caltex, the petrol from 中石油 makes my car less output作者: AMAT 時間: 2012-5-4 13:00