無所謂呀!不過我驚無樂樺師兄你咁專業呵!作者: benlau 時間: 2012-5-20 21:50
車架完成作者: RC_BRYAN_RC 時間: 2012-5-21 01:17
Ben 兄, 你呢個朋友都好有福氣Wor!
2WD 都要你出馬!不過經過你出ge手筆一定不同帆響,真係好有心機...比個great你!作者: tonykeroro 時間: 2012-5-21 05:37
very very 熟手作者: gso88 時間: 2012-5-21 06:28
I really like "Tools" set !作者: monsterken 時間: 2012-5-21 08:16
Ben Chinng, I plan to buy a HPI Blitz Pro or Team C 2wd sc next mth but I haven't time to bulid it up coz I have long working hur in next mth.
Could u mind help me to bulid it and setup the ball diff coz I have no idea how to setup the ball diff.作者: benlau 時間: 2012-5-21 12:28
大功告成,等交車。多謝各師兄欣賞!作者: bunpong 時間: 2012-5-21 12:56
Ben 兄又制作一部正車落地了!作者: garywong5368 時間: 2012-5-21 13:25
請問螺絲係美制牙定公制牙?作者: benlau 時間: 2012-5-21 14:23
是否用牙差會好d呢??? 作者: ford 時間: 2012-5-22 12:20
i like drag brake feeling and more drift in 2wd.
Ben hing add oil作者: mlee 時間: 2012-5-22 13:42
I think add black grease or not would be personal preferences and also depending on how to maintain the car.
Added some lubrications does "feel smoother", however, it is to avoid the black grease get into the diff... I think....作者: Marksman 時間: 2012-5-22 13:57
D 蛇虫鼠蟻要學下frankie 兄咁,堂堂正正的中立分析事情,又可以一起在車場上研究,這才是正路作者: WC118 時間: 2012-5-22 14:07 回復 ftbingobingo 的帖子
JV朋友!尊重人尊重自己!樓主己加以說明"工房開post只是想(分享)而吾係(授徒)或(教人)希望各師兄見諒及明白"無謂繼續下去了~ 當有發問時就變成討論, 字眼用得尊重點, 大家也會開心D , 大家可另開一個"討論題目"既POST正面討論,在這個"分享"POST內回應,不合適了~ 為免再生誤會,請另開提目,注明"討論篇"用作公開討論,有錯請指正等等字眼,好讓各位可參與其中.作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2012-5-24 20:28
61樓嘅討論好精彩作者: mlee 時間: 2012-5-24 20:29
大家交流下:其實行一陣,D grease會去左邊呢! 去左底部。。什麼drag break, 我feel 吳到。不過Ben Gor 和ftbingobingo Gor 的end result 不一樣是:一個有多餘grease,一個是沒有grease多。不過一樣會smooth with protection.
我沒有很多玩車experience, 也只在MX行過下。 difference point of view is good in a way to share ideas, but not to pin point others. 睇這個post 學多左set 車technique 是真的。多謝各位C Hing!作者: joho 時間: 2012-5-24 21:22
Sorry 咁多位,我係61樓點評時,係無留心睇之前個3版,難怪Frankie 誤會。我同阿慈哥討論的 drag brake, 並吾係針對波箱落吾落油,我所講的drag brake, 係電變上調較的,如果令大家誤會就真係非常吾好意思。作者: tonykeroro 時間: 2012-5-26 09:14