this guy made a real truck as a weathered model truck....... such a great job!! i guess the owner is an "UNCLE" who is 50 yrs or above, look like a cont. site foreman, isn't he ?? saw couple of times near sport-shoe-street in MK~~~ 作者: tiger1 時間: 2012-5-31 15:39
呀叔,好狠,好型作者: Evo露筍 時間: 2012-6-1 12:01
咁殘?點過驗車其實呀????作者: bcr2000 時間: 2012-6-1 13:53
明明系一部jeep ,攪到好似一部爛車咁 !作者: victor1997621 時間: 2012-6-6 21:44 回復 bcr2000 的帖子