車房車~~ 仲要係兩門死飛仔個種,踩死佢都得 作者: TheWolf 時間: 2012-6-27 14:45
Run in my Go engine after watched this movie 好有 Feel! The 1st 2 tanks..... 作者: 一匹狼 時間: 2012-6-27 15:08
都吾係好明咩係2咪車作者: Scania 時間: 2012-6-27 20:20
架車唔係我嫁!作者: AMAT 時間: 2012-7-4 12:59
為一個汽車技術做套戲,但完全都唔MAKE SENSE.作者: jf813 時間: 2012-7-4 13:48
2mile/h (burn out) only have 2 purpose
1: Warm up the tires for drag race.....
2: to attact the girls. I used to do it a lot of front of my university Main building. hahaha (I really believe this is more important than point 1. LOL)作者: corkscrew 時間: 2012-7-4 20:12
原本以為頭文字D已經好差架啦....點知呢套仲差過佢...... 作者: kcchan607 時間: 2014-10-10 05:33