This is a Bulldog from Mugen Seiki with a custom graphite chassis, HPI shocks, super mini servo, custom tie-rods, MIP front and rear ball diff, Kyosho repro Beetle body, aluminium wheels作者: tiger1 時間: 2012-7-8 21:13 本帖最後由 tiger1 於 2012-7-8 22:34 編輯
Here is the final set up with a Kyosho wing and a custom 3mm graphite plate roll-cage frame body. TR15 front bumper
The headache is: I have the beetle body in storage
This is sequence of custom making the driver for the bulldog, a plaster mold, vaccumm forming, painting 作者: samsonl 時間: 2012-7-8 22:01 本帖最後由 samsonl 於 2012-7-8 22:05 編輯