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A&B項目) 月票$150(Top solaris Hard CONTROL TIRE)一套(已黏好連呔軨膽)
C項目) 月票$150(Top solaris medium CONTROL TIRE)一套(已黏好連呔軨膽)
* 如報兩項) 月票$280 非月票$350
摩打: ( 不限品牌 )
A) 540 / 05 級尺吋之無炭刷摩打或炭刷摩打
B) 無刷有感摩打10.5T數據(任可品牌)
C) 無刷有感摩打13.5T數據或以上(任可品牌)
電變:B項:1/10房車5分鐘10.5T摩打(電變關turbo及零度 Timing)Rules
New approval listing for ROAR Sportsman Class Speed Controls
The ROAR Executive Committee, Electric Section Chairperson, and Consultation with its Industry Affiliate Manufacturers, have compiled a listing of electronic speed controllers (ESC) for use in ROAR sportsman racing programs.
Speed Controllers eligible for Sportsman Class racing must be capable of providing ZERO Timing Advance along with disabling Advanced Motor Control Functions (i.e. Boost, Cheat Mode, Turbo, SuperCharge, etc).
When the “sportsman” profile is enabled, the ESC shall indicate the profile by a unique LED (constant or blinking) while the ESC is “armed” and in neutral position. The unique visual identification detail will be published along with the ESC listing of approved products.
ESC manufacture affiliates have been working with the ROAR Section Committees to develop the sportsman ESC definitions and update firmware to meet the class standard. Firmware in the latest advanced speed control products must provide a profile, which allows its use to comply with sportsman ESC profile requirements.
Several affiliates are working on firmware updates which will allow additional ESC’s to be added. Members should contact the manufacturer directly for firmware updates or questions regarding any ESC they wish to have added to the ROAR sportsman approved ESC listing.
A&B項) 1/10 電動房車風翼之濶度為190mm或以下,側翼為 40mm x 20mm 或以下
C項) 定風尾翼 只可用{banned}或金屬尾翼及像真pc風翼(不可高於車頂及闊過車身兩側另方面如用(GOLF.及306.EK9 Focus xsara EG6 FN2 STI-10/sx4)尾翼可出於車身20mm內……..
A&B項目 Top solaris Hard CONTROL TIRE一套呔走全日
C項目 Top solaris medium CONTROL TIRE一套呔走全日
A) 各組初賽4次(A組3次B組決賽2次,其餘組別決賽1次),選用(取3場以最佳成績計算)進入分組決賽。
B) 賽員在賽事進行中如蓄意碰撞或作出不君子行為,大會按嚴重性作出口頭警告或
STOP & GO 懲罰,再犯者大會有權取消其比賽最好之成績。如撞及前車後而超越,
C) 如比賽時發現賽員偷步者,賽事會如常進行,待賽事完畢後,
D) 決賽時落後車輛必需讓領先一圈之車輛。
E) 所有參賽車輛必需通過檢驗合格,其成績方被取錄,否則其成績將被取消。
F) 不論參加單項或多項賽事,各賽員於每場比賽結束後,必需立即將車輛交回驗車處檢車
G) 車殼必須要著色,車窗必須透明或半透明,頭尾燈必須 色或貼上車燈貼紙。
H) 一切賽果以大會電腦成績為準,不得異議。
I) 以上各點將嚴格執行。
各賽員注意: 報咗名賽員可以在網上預訂GHIANT RC COLOR SPRAY白色 150 ml HK$30.00 或400ml HK$60.00 噴油
GH-RC0930RC car Metallic Purple - 150ml
GH-RC0932RC car Metallic Alpine Blue - 150ml
GH-RC0933RC car Metallic Silver - 150ml
GH-RC0934RC car Metallic Green - 150ml
GH-RC0935RC car Metallic Black - 150ml
GH-RC0936RC car Metallic White - 150ml
GH-RC0937RC car Metallic Red - 150ml
GH-RC1005RC Car Fluorescent Red - 150 ml
GH-RC1006RC Car Fluorescent Orange - 150 ml
GH-RC1007RC Car Fluorescent Yellow - 150 ml
GH-RC1008RC Car Fluorescent Green - 150 ml
GH-RC1009RC Car Cuypers Fluorescent Pink - 150 ml
賽員可以在這留言要以上什麼顏色及白色要150 ml 或 400ml作者: tonykhtsang 時間: 2012-8-15 14:19
GH-RC1006RC Car Fluorescent Orange - 150 ml
150ml White
Thanks 作者: 小洪 時間: 2012-8-15 14:30
各賽員注意: 報咗名賽員可以在網上預訂GHIANT RC COLOR SPRAY白色 150 ml HK$30.00 或400ml HK$60.00 噴油
GH-RC0930RC car Metallic Purple - 150ml
GH-RC0932RC car Metallic Alpine Blue - 150ml
GH-RC0933RC car Metallic Silver - 150ml
GH-RC0934RC car Metallic Green - 150ml
GH-RC0935RC car Metallic Black - 150ml
GH-RC0936RC car Metallic White - 150ml
GH-RC0937RC car Metallic Red - 150ml
GH-RC1005RC Car Fluorescent Red - 150 ml
GH-RC1006RC Car Fluorescent Orange - 150 ml
GH-RC1007RC Car Fluorescent Yellow - 150 ml
GH-RC1008RC Car Fluorescent Green - 150 ml
GH-RC1009RC Car Cuypers Fluorescent Pink - 150 ml
賽員可以在這留言要以上什麼顏色及白色要150 ml 或 400ml作者: klth 時間: 2012-8-15 17:28
名字: Kevin
頻率: 2.4G
AMB: 9423682
White 150ml + Fluorescent Green 150ml作者: kbyuen 時間: 2012-8-15 17:44
White 150ml
+GH-RC1007RC Car Fluorescent Yellow - 150 ml
Thanks !作者: erichome 時間: 2012-8-15 18:19
各賽員注意: 報咗名賽員可以在網上預訂GHIANT RC COLOR SPRAY白色 150 ml HK$30.00 或400ml HK$60.00 噴油
GH-RC0930RC car Metallic Purple - 150ml
GH-RC0932RC car Metallic Alpine Blue - 150ml
GH-RC0933RC car Metallic Silver - 150ml
GH-RC0934RC car Metallic Green - 150ml
GH-RC0935RC car Metallic Black - 150ml
GH-RC0936RC car Metallic White - 150ml
GH-RC0937RC car Metallic Red - 150ml
GH-RC1005RC Car Fluorescent Red - 150 ml
GH-RC1006RC Car Fluorescent Orange - 150 ml
GH-RC1007RC Car Fluorescent Yellow - 150 ml
GH-RC1008RC Car Fluorescent Green - 150 ml
GH-RC1009RC Car Cuypers Fluorescent Pink - 150 ml
各賽員注意: 報咗名賽員可以在網上預訂GHIANT RC COLOR SPRAY白色 150 ml HK$30.00 或400ml HK$60.00 噴油
GH-RC0930RC car Metallic Purple - 150ml
GH-RC0932RC car Metallic Alpine Blue - 150ml
GH-RC0933RC car Metallic Silver - 150ml
GH-RC0934RC car Metallic Green - 150ml
GH-RC0935RC car Metallic Black - 150ml
GH-RC0936RC car Metallic White - 150ml
GH-RC0937RC car Metallic Red - 150ml
GH-RC1005RC Car Fluorescent Red - 150 ml
GH-RC1006RC Car Fluorescent Orange - 150 ml
GH-RC1007RC Car Fluorescent Yellow - 150 ml
GH-RC1008RC Car Fluorescent Green - 150 ml
GH-RC1009RC Car Cuypers Fluorescent Pink - 150 ml
各賽員注意: 報咗名賽員可以在網上預訂GHIANT RC COLOR SPRAY白色 150 ml HK$30.00 或400ml HK$60.00 噴油
GH-RC0930RC car Metallic Purple - 150ml
GH-RC0932RC car Metallic Alpine Blue - 150ml
GH-RC0933RC car Metallic Silver - 150ml
GH-RC0934RC car Metallic Green - 150ml
GH-RC0935RC car Metallic Black - 150ml
GH-RC0936RC car Metallic White - 150ml
GH-RC0937RC car Metallic Red - 150ml
GH-RC1005RC Car Fluorescent Red - 150 ml
GH-RC1006RC Car Fluorescent Orange - 150 ml
GH-RC1007RC Car Fluorescent Yellow - 150 ml
GH-RC1008RC Car Fluorescent Green - 150 ml
GH-RC1009RC Car Cuypers Fluorescent Pink - 150 ml