FIA N組防滾架,凳同安全帶
It is permissible to install an engine oil and gas separation system
(minimum volume is 1 L), as shown below
避震可改彈弓同避震機,其它全原裝,保留原裝位,唔可以落Camber plates
Fuel Line可改,但必須保留原裝油缸,不可用安全油缸
1. Conditions::
1.1 For participation in the 2013 Showroom Stock Car Races of the Hong Kong Automobile Association Autosport Challenge, vehicles must comply with the following regulations.
1.2 FIA International Sporting Code: Safety Equipment, Appendix J, Articles 253 and Specific Regulations for Production Cars (Group N) Appendix J, Articles 254 will apply unless forbidden by these regulations.
1.3 The interpretation of Hong Kong Automobile Association Motor Sports Council will apply and any changes to the regulations will be published in an official bulletin.
1.4 In case of a discrepancy the English translation of any Bulletins, Rules and Regulations will prevail.
2. 資格:
2.1 1600cc或以下,自然吸氣兩輪驅動四座車
2.2 在2002年1月1日或以後,連續12個月生產不少於2500輛,並可在香港或中國行駛的車輛。
2.3 參賽者在賽前需向大會提交車輛規格副本,以確保在比賽任何時候可以驗車 (Competitors are responsible for providing a copy of the vehicle specifications to the event organizers prior to the commencement of scrutineering and to make available the original of the specifications for inspection at any time during the event.)
3. 改裝:
3.1 所有不被允許的改裝或加裝,均清楚列明禁止(?) (All modifications, additions, which are not allowed in these rules, are expressly forbidden.)
4. 內飾
4.1 原裝凳及骨架必須移除. 車手凳必須更換為符合 FIA 8855/1999 or 8862/2009 規格的筒凳 Technical lists #12 or #40.
4.2 後備呔及工具必須移除.
4.3 軑鎖及氣袋必須移除
6. 安全規格
6.1 FIA International Sporting Code; Safety Equipment Appendix J, Article 253
applies in its entirety, unless forbidden by these regulations.
7. 引擎
7.1 油門wire可更換或加裝第二條wire. 該第二條油門線必須是後備,平行於原裝。.
7.2 油門掩及節氣門體必須為原裝.
7.3 原裝水箱,水膽, expansion chambers, 水箱蓋和水箱風扇需保持原裝.
7.4 除尾催化外,排氣系統需保持原裝(Original exhaust system must be retained except downstream of the catalytic converter.)
7.5 可加裝水溫,油溫及油壓Sensor,但不能接駁到原來的接線上 (Additional sensors for water temperature, oil temperature and oil pressure may be added but not attached to original wiring loom.)
7.6 允許加裝轉數錶.
7.7 進氣系統必須保持原裝不作改動.
7.8 進氣風格可更換,但必須維持原來形狀,及安裝在原裝風箱上。所有引擎進氣均需經過風格
7.9 機油隔可更換,但須維持原裝呎吋及位置.
7.10 可更改機油種類和黏度
7.11 It is permissible to install an engine oil and gas separation system
(minimum volume is 1 L), as shown below.
Oil must rely on gravity from the oil catch tank flow to the engine.
Oil gas return to the engine must be via the air intake system.
12. 制動系統
12.1 只有迫力油, 皮(Pad)和掌(Shoes)允許更換. 總泵(Master cylinder), 卡鉗(Calipers), 和活塞(wheel cylinders) 必須為生產款式(must be stock).
12.2 Brake servo must be retained.
12.3 制動液喉管可更換為不鏽鋼,但需符合 standard of Art. 253-3.2.