原帖由 海畢 於 2006-11-21 01:29 發表
我最近先有時間砌完架車 , 個頭呔出現positive的Camber Angle 如圖
是否正常 , 我照足說明書指示的應有長度 , 唔係咪仲係較到有d過長呢
咁正常應該係與圖相反 , 定係兩者中間呢
唔該哂 咁好多位師兄
原帖由 vr2uhu 於 2006-11-21 10:46 發表
by the way...this is not the camber angle....it's toe-out.....
this can can't have a camber angle...the single swing arm will vary the camber angle anytime....hahaha
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