CHING 真幸福, 可以有咁大地方玩車..
呢D 環境玩SLASH 一流!!! 作者: imax 時間: 2013-1-19 22:02
嘩 !! 估唔到一路落緊雪,部車都咁咬地...跑姿一流喎 ~~ 作者: ThomasZ 時間: 2013-1-19 23:53
都係嗰句.... 香港周圍都係食蕉同鐵絲網, 搵達好地方玩車都幾難作者: ThomasZ 時間: 2013-1-19 23:58
太幸褔了! 就算加個OVERTRAY點玩都唔會過熱了吧?作者: ricksonchow 時間: 2013-1-20 01:18
英國lee 幾難得落雪可以片下... 換左4隻彈簧, 避避油同車胎之後生猛哂, 原裝完全唔咬地作者: ricksonchow 時間: 2013-1-20 01:21
落雪玩真係好過癮,玩完又唔使洗車..唯一唔好處就係天氣凍D電會淋哂, 行車時間都短好多作者: mlee 時間: 2013-1-21 11:49
Please double check your screws as they can get rusted very easily... Build up with snow will get electronics overheat, be sure to have the car rest between run. Have fun!作者: ricksonchow 時間: 2013-1-22 02:09
Please double check your screws as they can get rusted very easily... Build up with snow will get el ...
Thanks for your advice. Basically the screws from Traxxas got rust as soon as they get contact with any moisture so you can't really avoid it happen if you bring the slash for some off road fun in rain, mud or snow. If the problem got worst and I may change to some stainless steel screws. Also the electronic are stock and I did not have any cooling equipment so those electronics seems alright as they were all icy cool even I ran the truck hard, everything's fine 作者: alex1030 時間: 2013-1-30 05:56
Great fun!!!作者: FZERO 時間: 2013-2-1 23:01
2wd玩雪?作者: ricksonchow 時間: 2013-2-15 04:17