作者: 老鬼 時間: 2013-2-13 12:17
唔明咁做為左乜,可以表達到D乜作者: sing1221 時間: 2013-2-13 12:30
Electric RC car crashes at 103 MPH into a solid concrete block an pratically disintergrates, before you comment it is electric the smoke you see comes from where the brake was applied to try to prevent this catastrophy this is real audio and it was filmed by myself at long marston airstrip during the world speed championship作者: monsterken 時間: 2013-2-13 12:54
嘩。 。。。。 碎到玻璃咁。。。。。。。恐怖作者: allan007_alive 時間: 2013-2-13 13:02
咁先叫Tot車o架o麻作者: kotaro2872 時間: 2013-2-13 14:30
呢個亦系劈炮吾玩RC既一個最好方法XDD作者: 965 時間: 2013-2-13 15:56
Stupid American style...... 作者: 3rock3rock 時間: 2013-2-13 16:47
Just like hollywood style moive. 作者: hydrogen9999 時間: 2013-2-13 20:55
只有外國地方咁大,先至喜歡玩埋d 冇技術可言的直路狂奔作者: monsterken 時間: 2013-2-13 22:14