RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: mini inferno question??? [打印本頁]

作者: shoot    時間: 2006-11-29 23:10
標題: mini inferno question???
近日買了架mini inferno,換了電子野如下:
9.6v 1400mnh电
舊款平價speed attack u电变
Futaba S9602 Servo


Thank you !

作者: P仔    時間: 2006-12-11 07:04
標題: mini inferno
hi!!我都有玩mini inferno,麼打我就用緊kyosho出黑麼打(for mini inferno用)我覺得都幾好.價錢又唔貴$98.00.想問你係用珠差定係齒差???用9602 ok嘛??轉向夠唔夠???仲有你係邊區玩車,有機會一齊玩.我有幾個friend都係玩inferno架.....
作者: shoot    時間: 2006-12-11 15:24
標題: 回復 #2 P仔 的帖子
我想玩跳台,架車我個人覺得跳完台可放入垃圾桶吧!我想買minizilla(hpi)玩,but無人答我,may be 冷門車呱。

作者: P仔    時間: 2006-12-13 09:01
標題: p仔
作者: fyin    時間: 2006-12-13 09:57
架車冇力係因為中間嗰組限滑齒問題, 原本用一塊金屬片, 拆走金屬片改用一塊咭紙及收緊少少.
作者: ryancmlam    時間: 2006-12-13 23:18
原帖由 fyin 於 2006-12-13 09:57 發表
洵陘介?#22000;組限滑齒問題, 原本用一塊金屬片, 拆走金屬片改用一塊咭紙及收緊少少.

改用一塊咭紙? Would the 咭紙 be damaged soon ?
作者: fyin    時間: 2006-12-14 00:48
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2006-12-13 23:18 發表

改用一塊咭紙? Would the 咭紙 be damaged soon ?

Hi Bro,
可用咭紙做成跟圓金屬片一樣, 用咭紙只是容易找到.
可在廣東道專買機械防灟用的店鋪買一啲叫"髻口紙 "或叫 "鉛紙皮"- gasket"的東西.有不同厚薄, 卷裝48"寬, 每尺計,約幾蚊一直尺.
講清楚啲既係" 模型eng 同死氣鼓之間個片"墊片" 所用嗰種材料.
厚料會用向模型車上作剎車碟. 孖星車常見.

[ 本帖最後由 fyin 於 2006-12-14 00:50 編輯 ]
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2007-1-1 17:36
標題: 回復 #1 shoot 的帖子
I brought mini inferno yesterday.
i never play radio controlled car before and i feel it quick fast
I also live in TKO and i play at po hong garden
any place you would play the car?
and i want to share with you how to speed up the car
I agree the car is quite heavy!
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2007-1-1 17:36
標題: 回復 #4 P仔 的帖子
I brought mini inferno yesterday.
i never play radio controlled car before and i feel it quick fast
I also live in TKO and i play at po hong garden
any place you would play the car?
and i want to share with you how to speed up the car
I agree the car is quite heavy
作者: CDR123    時間: 2007-1-31 22:30
I also have a mini inferno & live in TKO, if have party pm me. thanks.
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2007-2-2 19:37
標題: 回復 #10 CDR123 的帖子
did u change yr car and increase the speed?
is anyone changethe damper to reduce the pressure of the car?
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2007-2-27 21:53
原帖由 shoot 於 2006-11-29 23:10 發表
近日買了架mini inferno,換了電子野如下:
9.6v 1400mnh电
舊款平價speed attack u电变
Futaba S9602 Servo

油壓 ...

do you have any improvement of your mini inferno
I also live in TKO .

i wonder if you could have give me more suggestion!
作者: shoot    時間: 2007-2-27 22:07
mail 我
[email protected]
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2007-2-28 22:40
原帖由 shoot 於 2007-2-27 22:07 發表
mail 我
[email protected]

pls check e-mail
作者: CDR123    時間: 2007-2-28 22:51
me too, TKO friends, I have another three friends also playing mini inferno.
do you have any suggestion for performance improvement! thanks,

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