:L (Sorry, pics was taken with my hand shaking abit......)作者: yuch 時間: 2006-12-6 10:42
不如整個陳水扁 or 馬英九 公仔企係上面 la..................作者: 天照 時間: 2006-12-6 10:48
個車殼好得喎~作者: minimini 時間: 2006-12-6 10:48
Jacky Chan maybe even better .......作者: lun0727 時間: 2006-12-6 10:53
係幾盞鬼啵...作者: jpmontoya2 時間: 2006-12-6 10:53
原帖由 天照 於 2006-12-6 10:48 發表
Made in China...very good details!!~~~~作者: monkichi0210 時間: 2006-12-6 11:01
hahaha....leon lai????ready!???!!....he really seem like jackie chan more wor......hahaha....what the chassis is it???so fun with such chassis can use many different bodies........作者: minimini 時間: 2006-12-6 11:03
TLT + G-made + tons of options ??........big big investment ar.........
this is a 1:6 scale body.....very big...haha..occupying a few sq foot of my house...hahaha
You can compare the size in the last pic with a typical 250ml Lemon Tea~~作者: gibson 時間: 2006-12-6 11:15
Very good por....作者: paulaner 時間: 2006-12-6 15:54
nice jeep!作者: SPOONACCORD 時間: 2006-12-7 19:58
咁大既€作者: orange00 時間: 2006-12-7 22:41
原帖由 SPOONACCORD 於 2006-12-7 19:58 發表
依架算細la作者: jpmontoya2 時間: 2006-12-10 02:27
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