RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: hpi這架爬山車 [打印本頁]

作者: shoot    時間: 2006-12-9 19:38
標題: hpi這架爬山車
minizilla用來跳台okay嗎?實吾實淨?大約how much?
Thank you !
作者: shoot    時間: 2006-12-10 05:12
作者: rockdragon    時間: 2006-12-11 15:50
If you want to get into the RC Rock Crawler, I suggest you go with the TLT.

The MiniZilla is not quite suitable for the crawling application and not worth in trying to convert it into a crawler.
作者: gary    時間: 2006-12-11 15:55
原帖由 shoot 於 2006-12-10 05:12 發表

作者: shoot    時間: 2006-12-11 17:32
標題: 回復 #3 rockdragon 的帖子
Thank you 你先!
作者: mikewu    時間: 2006-12-11 17:36
Minizillas are nice...  However, I think Miniquake has more players because it's cheaper... I have one myself but parts are very hard to find (Miniquake)... You might want to consider the Mini LST as well if you want to make more "Jump Jumps".....
作者: shoot    時間: 2006-12-11 19:23
標題: 回復 #6 mikewu 的帖子
我睇咗好多mini lst資料,兩架車比較,電池一樣,lst  size大少少,双摩打,重d但好力d,食電...........15/16好難選擇!!!
Thank you mikewu兄
作者: Sazabi    時間: 2006-12-12 10:42
作者: eason    時間: 2006-12-12 11:01
not sure whether using brushless motor will be over-powered or not.......
作者: shoot    時間: 2006-12-16 02:29
標題: 回復 #6 mikewu 的帖子
mikewu兄,我買了mini LST,有3個問題請教:

a) 直路吾太直,四個輪是內八字的(吾太明點解甘設計),有少少鬆,如我加0.1mm介子,應加在C座內面 還 是 外面較好?

b) 套裝是2頻,如我換3頻的話,是否把2個servo獨立分開插?但我吾明,因2個servo之間有一條柱串在一起,甘如果2個servo速度有少少出入,咪變了更差...........,是否要拆下條柱???

c) 相反地,2個麽打改為串聯,好似平均一點?

代你的意見,Thank you very much !
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2007-1-21 22:12
原帖由 shoot 於 2006-12-16 02:29 發表
mikewu兄,我買了mini LST,有3個問題請教:

a) 直路吾太直,四個輪是內八字的(吾太明點解甘設計),有少少鬆,如我加0.1mm介子,應加在C座內面 還 是 外面較好?

b) 套裝是2頻,如我換3頻的話,是否把2個se ...

how much is it?
your car can jump like the video u posted?
作者: petscan    時間: 2007-1-22 10:04
原帖由 rockdragon 於 2006-12-11 15:50 發表
If you want to get into the RC Rock Crawler, I suggest you go with the TLT.

The MiniZilla is not quite suitable for the crawling application and not worth in trying to convert it into a crawler.

I am a newcomer. Can you suggest ways to convert TLT to rock crawler ? Thanks.
作者: petscan    時間: 2007-1-22 10:04
原帖由 rockdragon 於 2006-12-11 15:50 發表
If you want to get into the RC Rock Crawler, I suggest you go with the TLT.

The MiniZilla is not quite suitable for the crawling application and not worth in trying to convert it into a crawler.

I am a newcomer. Can you suggest ways to convert TLT to rock crawler ? Thanks.
作者: orange00    時間: 2007-1-22 10:32
原帖由 petscan 於 2007-1-22 10:04 發表

I am a newcomer. Can you suggest ways to convert TLT to rock crawler ? Thanks.

try following few link,
you will find a lot of way(s) how to modifiy TLT

http://www.rc-daily.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=15 (Hong Kong)
http://www.mnhrc.com/bbs/index.asp (China)
http://9turbo.com/board/index.php?board=20.0 (Thailand)
http://www.rccrawler.com/forum/ (U.S.)
作者: shoot    時間: 2007-1-22 10:56
標題: 回復 #11 agentjerry 的帖子
I forget........RTR around $1500-$1700
加$300換full set碳板會jump 遠d
作者: omecon2000    時間: 2007-1-23 10:32
minizilla 改無刷 改後驅 玩打  [關斗] 好正ga

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