原帖由 shoot 於 2006-12-10 05:12 發表
原帖由 shoot 於 2006-12-16 02:29 發表
mikewu兄,我買了mini LST,有3個問題請教:
a) 直路吾太直,四個輪是內八字的(吾太明點解甘設計),有少少鬆,如我加0.1mm介子,應加在C座內面 還 是 外面較好?
b) 套裝是2頻,如我換3頻的話,是否把2個se ...
原帖由 rockdragon 於 2006-12-11 15:50 發表
If you want to get into the RC Rock Crawler, I suggest you go with the TLT.
The MiniZilla is not quite suitable for the crawling application and not worth in trying to convert it into a crawler.
原帖由 rockdragon 於 2006-12-11 15:50 發表
If you want to get into the RC Rock Crawler, I suggest you go with the TLT.
The MiniZilla is not quite suitable for the crawling application and not worth in trying to convert it into a crawler.
原帖由 petscan 於 2007-1-22 10:04 發表
I am a newcomer. Can you suggest ways to convert TLT to rock crawler ? Thanks.
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