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標題: 7.4v 2S Lipo 過放.......有冇得救? [打印本頁]

作者: DLAM    時間: 2013-6-20 10:22
標題: 7.4v 2S Lipo 過放.......有冇得救?
唔記得熄車搞到舊7.4V 2S過低電壓,差番時得1 cell,請問各位師兄仲有冇得救?

作者: TigerI2010    時間: 2013-6-20 11:08
作者: hungbobby    時間: 2013-6-20 11:24
Use NIMH mode on your charger and set small charge current, eg. 0.5A to charge the pack up to above 6V (or above the 2 x minimum per cell voltage you have set for LIPO on your charger, eg. 3.0V per cell = 6V), then change back to LIPO mode and balance charge it.
作者: tai13    時間: 2013-6-20 21:14
hungbobby 發表於 2013-6-20 11:24
Use NIMH mode on your charger and set small charge current, eg. 0.5A to charge the pack up to above  ...

this setup is be ok......and how about other setup

作者: hungbobby    時間: 2013-6-21 09:32
tai13 發表於 2013-6-20 21:14
this setup is be ok......and how about other setup

What do you mean by setup?

作者: DLAM    時間: 2013-6-21 23:15
hungbobby 發表於 2013-6-20 11:24
Use NIMH mode on your charger and set small charge current, eg. 0.5A to charge the pack up to above  ...

作者: hungbobby    時間: 2013-6-24 13:19
DLAM 發表於 2013-6-21 23:15

What is the highest voltage you can attain?
If above 2.8V per cell, I think you can set the minimum per cell voltage for LIPO and balance charge accordingly.

作者: DLAM    時間: 2013-6-24 14:10
hungbobby 發表於 2013-6-24 13:19
What is the highest voltage you can attain?
If above 2.8V per cell, I think you can set the minimu ...

It only went up to 4.8v, I pluged into the charger and try to charge it under Lipo.

It still did not work
作者: hungbobby    時間: 2013-6-24 14:32
Did you set the charger to NIMH mode for 7.2V (6 cells) at 0.5A to charge? How long did you charge it and still cannot charge above 4.8V? Be reminded to charge in a LIP safe bag for safety. It is highly probable that your LIPO can be certified dead.
作者: DLAM    時間: 2013-6-24 21:25
Yes, I have set my charger to Nimh mode 7.2v and charge It at 0.5A. When it hit 4.8v, the charger said It is full and stop charging. Then I charge It with Lipo setting, the charger said output error.

I guess It was certified dead!
作者: bee79shopping    時間: 2013-7-7 03:04
no la, buy a new one

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