如果要咁樣玩,要用配D乜電子野??作者: george519 時間: 2013-6-27 11:17
我想係水底行車作者: fai223 時間: 2013-6-27 11:21
可以咁洗真係正到爆~作者: hungbobby 時間: 2013-6-27 11:21
You will need to waterproof your electronics, ESC, receiver, and servo:
- ESC & receiver, may use PlastiDip or just put inside a balloon if no overheat problem
- servo, some waterproof servo like Traxxas, Hitec or just use a cheap servo
- No need to waterproof motors (except sensor circuit on sensored brushless motors)
However, stay away from salt water which will corrode all bearings, and may this cause motor/ESC failure due to drive-train stuck. 作者: ikesan 時間: 2013-6-27 11:32
做好防水就邊隻都得啦!作者: DLAM 時間: 2013-6-27 11:38
You will need to waterproof your electronics, ESC, receiver, and servo:
- ESC & receiver, may use Pl ...
You are so helpful!
May I know more about PlastiDip? How to use it and where to buy? Thx c hing.作者: euro614 時間: 2013-6-27 12:09
我以前玩traxxas Short Course在MX玩完,都係咁用水喉噴..作者: hungbobby 時間: 2013-6-27 12:10
Just coat it on top of the entire circuit board and let it dry.
I heard it can be bought from a car repair shop in HK but forgot which.
OTH, it is offically sold via a facebook group called PlastiDip in HK. The price over HK$300 a can.
Another cheaper alternative, ref: http://rc-evo.com/xbbs/thread-291798-1-1.html
The cheapest alternative, ref: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm? ... ;id=7151739748&作者: peterspy 時間: 2013-6-27 12:16
Plasti Dip香港有代理,不過桶裝冇貨。而噴霧裝唔係太好用。作者: DLAM 時間: 2013-6-27 12:19
為免麻煩,買個防水ESC及Servo,再將個Receiver入膠盒仔,得唔得呢?作者: simon540 時間: 2013-6-27 12:59
我一向都用水喉射,再風乾作者: DLAM 時間: 2013-6-27 13:29
咁Lipo電防水嗎?作者: Yiu.N 時間: 2013-6-27 13:54
咁洗真係好徹底作者: pkoki 時間: 2013-6-27 14:09
Plasti Dip 其實最方便 作者: cccan 時間: 2013-6-27 17:14 http://www.rc-zone.hk/xbbs/forum ... p;extra=&page=2 http://www.rc-zone.hk/xbbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6449 作者: simon540 時間: 2013-6-27 19:56