原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-12-18 12:10 發表
We REALLY should host a party with all the hardshell Tamiyas together man... like the F350, 3 speed Toyotas, CC01s............... etc....
Anyone can suggest a place?
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-12-18 12:23 發表
搞到我都有少少想整返架 CC-01 咁玩下 !
原帖由 cHRisTiAN 於 2006-12-18 12:24 發表
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-12-18 12:25 發表
咁不如放棄 EVO 5 , 直接買架 CC-01 !
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-12-18 12:32 發表
Aweson idea! Perhaps you should also look into the TA01 Hummer...... easier to find parts I think......
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-12-18 12:38 發表
係喎 , Hummer 殼正喎 , 但係個車架無得再升高同埋裝滿水喎 !
原帖由 J 於 2006-12-18 13:54 發表
I'd really love to see my CC-01 pajero to become a "mud duck"!!
when will u guys be okay for the TKO meet?? this sunday yes or no?
原帖由 J 於 2006-12-18 13:54 發表
I'd really love to see my CC-01 pajero to become a "mud duck"!!
when will u guys be okay for the TKO meet?? this sunday yes or no?
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-12-18 18:19 發表
你係去既我跟埋去 , 但我無車玩 , 我去幫你地拍 movie 囉 !
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-12-18 18:40 發表
Hurry up and get any offroad/rally ready la!!! Remember your M-03 rally?
We'll hold the party until you have your own offroad ga!!
原帖由 mom 於 2007-1-10 03:40 發表
正= =,.................................但係唔會入水既咩????????????????
原帖由 cHRisTiAN 於 2006-12-18 12:24 發表
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