RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: Miniz 電 [打印本頁]

作者: coboking    時間: 2007-1-16 23:08
標題: Miniz 電
各位好, 小第好耐無玩車, 唔記得差3A電應用幾多 A 同 Delta Peak 應 Set 幾多.  用 PitBull 差機.  係咪好似 1.2 A Charge, 0.024 Delta Peak ?謝謝!
作者: billy86che    時間: 2007-1-16 23:14
原帖由 coboking 於 2007-1-16 23:08 發表
各位好, 小第好耐無玩車, 唔記得差3A電應用幾多 A 同 Delta Peak 應 Set 幾多.  用 PitBull 差機.  係咪好似 1.2 A Charge, 0.024 Delta Peak ?謝謝!

0.8 A is already quite high. Do not exceed that so the cells last longer. Use as low Delta Peak as possible.
作者: coboking    時間: 2007-1-16 23:20
原帖由 billy86che 於 2007-1-16 23:14 發表

0.8 A is already quite high. Do not exceed that so the cells last longer. Use as low Delta Peak as possible.

作者: sfdo    時間: 2007-1-19 23:18
如果係新o款o既 Ni-HM 電, 四粒電就要俾夠 6V偏壓去充。
若量為 1000 mAh,用 1A 電流來充佢 ,都起馬要 充兩粒鐘先得。

(何況市面上o既 GP 或 勁量 15分鐘差器 輸出 閒閒地都過 10A    )

四粒 Ni-Cd 就用返 4.8 V 或稍高少少就好了。
作者: billy86che    時間: 2007-1-20 01:10
原帖由 sfdo 於 2007-1-19 23:18 發表
如果係新o款o既 Ni-HM 電, 四粒電就要俾夠 6V偏壓去充。
若量為 1000 mAh,用 1A 電流來充佢 ,都起馬要 充兩粒鐘先得。

(何況市面上o既 GP 或 勁量 15分鐘差器 輸出 閒閒地都過 10A    )


"若量為 1000 mAh,用 1A 電流來充佢 ,都起馬要 充兩粒鐘先得"???

1000mah means if you use 1000mah to draw the battery, it will be used up in one hour. If you use 1000mah to charge the battery, you use 1 hour at least to finish your charging.
I agree that it takes more time if you use a lower current to charge your cells. But if you use more than 1A (1000mah) to charge the battery as GP or  勁量 are suggesting, you are shortening the lfe of the battery. They offer slower chargers too just that at the same time they understand there are people who are as impatient as someone who wish to have battery to use in 15 minutes.

you said "何況市面上o既 GP 或 勁量 15分鐘差器 輸出 閒閒地都過 10A". People who are playing with 1/10 cars are just using about 6A to charge their 4300mah. Are you saying that people playing with the mini-z have to use 10A to charge their 1000mah GP 或 勁量?

In fact, both overcharging and charging with a too high current can damage the battery. GP or 勁量 are just avoiding the former but do not want to tell you the latter because only the former will pose a threat to safety and make their products illegal.

I really hope people can be more careful when they supply information here.

[ 本帖最後由 billy86che 於 2007-1-20 01:19 編輯 ]
作者: sfdo    時間: 2007-1-20 18:46
"1000mah means if you use 1000mah to draw the battery, it will be used up in one hour. If you use "
有興趣o既話可以親身走去 鴨記,詳細咁睇下各牌子o既 AAA 電包裝指示,就會明白。
1000 mAh,用 1A 電流來充佢 , 充兩粒 已經唔算多,有D cheap D O既 1000 mAh差電 要充 2.4 小時 才夠
作者: billy86che    時間: 2007-1-22 13:19
A long charge time is resulted when the battery has a high resistance (ohms). Old or "abused" cells usually have this characteristic. Using a high charging current to finish your charging faster is what I consider 'abusing' your battery cells.

you mention, "1000 mAh,用 1A 電流來充佢 , 充兩粒 已經唔算多"
I guess if you are using a charger (say 1-12 cells) which requires you to enter the number of cells you are charging, the ampheres you enter should remain the same. There should be no difference in the charging time no matter how many cells (1-12) you are charging (except if one or more of your cells are spoiled and so they provide a high resistance).

[ 本帖最後由 billy86che 於 2007-1-22 13:28 編輯 ]
作者: sfdo    時間: 2007-1-22 23:59
我知用大電流差粒電會快殘D,不過市上o既 15 分鐘快充套裝好似幾熱買咁,所以我覺得唔會有太大問題o掛... .
1000 mAh,用 1A 電流來充佢 , 要充兩粒鐘,呢個的確係好現實o既情況,因為世間上O既充電池, 放電能量 冇可能100% 等於 充電能量。
即係用 A1 來充時,只有約一半電流充入電,
作者: billy86che    時間: 2007-1-23 01:44
This pack has really high resistance

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