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標題: 想問下如果玩快車類型 [打印本頁]

作者: ter037    時間: 2014-8-3 23:08
標題: 想問下如果玩快車類型
係咪買02好過03 le??
作者: Alotom    時間: 2014-8-3 23:27
作者: ter037    時間: 2014-8-4 00:34
本帖最後由 ter037 於 2014-8-4 00:38 編輯

即係好似1/10禁有得換esc ge...??
如果我買部03係咪已經ready to run??
我用番之前玩1/10 sanwa哥支m11x又得唔得??

作者: Mahosing    時間: 2014-8-4 11:24

03尾驅,快車玩ve即無刷,買KO EX1 kiy ver3。
但係4wd ma020加fet set埋車場上仲快。

FHSS控不等同ASF MINIZ 遙控系統!買KO較快!

作者: kevt2005    時間: 2014-8-4 11:59
ter037 發表於 2014-8-4 00:34
即係好似1/10禁有得換esc ge...??
如果 ...

係咪買02好過03 le??
02 is a good car.  03 replaces 02.  03VE is brushless.  Main difference between 03 and 03VE is on the circuit board.  Since you're looking for "fast car", I'd say you should get 03VE.

即係好似1/10禁有得換esc ge...??
Even there is compatible circuit board, not recommended to change.  Kyosho original one is the best.

如果我買部03係咪已經ready to run??
02/03/03VE are all RTR.  But you want the fastest car, you have to change some components and tune it.

搖控又係咪一定要用番佢哥支...?? 我用番之前玩1/10 sanwa哥支m11x又得唔得??
No, KO Propo has several Mini-Z TXes but best TX for Mini-Z is KO Propo DIY EX-1.
R246 has produced a Futaba/Sanwa adapter for KO RF-901SM reciever module.  EX-1 DIY module is better than RF-902SM, which is better than RF-901SM module.  KO EX-10 Eurus can use both 901 and 902 modules while EX-10 Helios can only use 901 module.
My recommendation is to buy EX-1 DIY ver 3.

PS: http://www.kyosho.com/jpn/suppor ... _Module_Adapter.pdf


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