CCJB please select your point for short course and 1/10 4WD. 作者: Carsony 時間: 2014-10-9 09:17
SC - Carson 20
1/10 4WD - Paul Sykes 19
1/8 Buggy - Jonathan 20
Note: TPC Team 1 also need to select the score in 1/10 4WD class as they got same score 18 in SC and 1/10 4WD by same person作者: tomkwok110 時間: 2014-10-9 09:25
有待更正......作者: magic3000 時間: 2014-10-9 12:32
TPC Team 1 short course 同 1/10 4WD都要選分。4WD系米應該用大蛇 17分,而SC用Marco 18分?