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標題: 冇玩幾年,想入部 MBX7 Eco, 想請教摩打電變組合 [打印本頁]

作者: egg666    時間: 2014-10-21 02:49
標題: 冇玩幾年,想入部 MBX7 Eco, 想請教摩打電變組合
有冇高人指點下摩打電變組合,我唔多知行情E家興玩乜 (想玩lali)

1. 是否多數用4S電?一件過定2+2?
2. 邊隻摩打抵玩?(1900Kv 上下)
3. 一千蚊買個乜級數電變?
4. Savox 有冇好介紹?

作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-21 03:24
For "returning" to the hobby, (like me) I guess best and "trust" brand is Tekin .. (Novak and Trinity too .. but somehow, not popular as Tekin ..  )

For 1/8, Tekin RX8 Gen II and 1900/2050kv is the best way to go, you can run 4s .. ( I kind of like 1400kv motor with 6s, but 4s is more popular)

For battery, I am a bit surprised 2x2s seem more common in Hong Kong, (I guess easy to buy cheap 2s, and most C hing run 1/10 on road too)  over here, one piece is much more popular, 3s, 4s, 5s, even 6s. It is just more convenience, shorter charging time ..
Especially when you go with Mugen Eco, no reason to run 2x2s ..  if you are with Durango, Team C, Serpent, then they are 2x2s .. (or 2x 3s, 2s+3s etc)

Around $1,000HKD or less,  HobbyWing is the best to go, also Toro, depends if you like those China brands, when I "return" to RC, I didn't trust those China brands, but Tekin/Novak etc ..  but guess what, right now, I rather buy HobbyWing and Toro ..  for half the price!

For servo, depends what ESC you go as well, if go with HobbyWing/Toro, their BEC output is 6v, then Savox 1256/1258 is good .. if you go Tekin (or say Viper) your Bec output could be 7.4 or even 8v, then you can go to SC1267 or 1268...

I am not sure how popular Castle Creation in HK (most popular in north america) their new Sidewinder 8 is great value too, same price as HobbyWing here ..  
作者: DLAM    時間: 2014-10-21 12:11
965 C Hing is right, for the budget of $1000, Hobbywing is the best for the dollars unless you are willing to pay $1500-$1600 for Tekin and Viper.
Toro is a bit cheaper but the quality and the firmware is not good comparing to HW.  

Motor: 1900kV

Servo: Savox 1256

Batteries: 2+2 in HK

MBX7 Eco is a good car, very stable and easy to control but not very nimble

作者: egg666    時間: 2014-10-21 12:43
多謝師兄指點!起碼落舖頭睇野唔會太九唔搭八 X D
作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-21 13:02
Good to hear that dlam...I don't hv much experience with Toro, even they r better then Hobbtwing "on paper" ... blue tooth, turbo boost, 5a bec, smaller size.. (Important for some cars..) and cheaper....  But not sure for long run if they r as good as HW..
作者: DLAM    時間: 2014-10-21 13:07
I heard that Toro is not very durable especially if you are driving it hard.
作者: gimsink    時間: 2014-10-21 23:09
好盈喇, 我三架越野用好盈 SCT PRO, 一架用Novak, 不过嘛嘛, set 电变要噤來噤去, 而且唔及好盈爆, Tekin 貴, 肉赤唔寫得買……
作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-21 23:57
Which Novak?  Try Try Activ 8 ... best Esc on market. (if U don't need to run 6s n HV bec)
作者: egg666    時間: 2014-10-22 03:02


平時tko bashing 就唔大分別,係怕走場太高kv會易甩  定係其實冇乜所謂?

作者: benlau    時間: 2014-10-22 03:49
本帖最後由 benlau 於 2014-10-22 03:54 編輯

SP 2750 kv $600左右(正)如果買1900kv 你一定會後悔。

作者: DLAM    時間: 2014-10-22 08:05
benlau 發表於 2014-10-22 03:49
SP 2750 kv $600左右(正)如果買1900kv 你一定會後悔。

MBX7 Eco原裝大減行46T
作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-22 09:37
2250 kv is very good ga la...   2750 ...  2650 ... very fast!!
作者: benlau    時間: 2014-10-22 10:49
DLAM 發表於 2014-10-22 08:05
MBX7 Eco原裝大減行46T


作者: DLAM    時間: 2014-10-22 10:51
benlau 發表於 2014-10-22 10:49

Thx, 等我試下

作者: benlau    時間: 2014-10-22 11:02
egg666 發表於 2014-10-22 03:02


師兄不用試HW,一歩到位就買Tekin RX8 gen2啦!免得日後後悔了。

作者: benlau    時間: 2014-10-22 11:08
Savox就吾好買了,要買就買SANWA 962
作者: tsfai    時間: 2014-10-22 13:32
作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-22 23:08
benlau 發表於 2014-10-22 11:08
Savox就吾好買了,要買就買SANWA 962

Wow.... Very nice.... They are 'airtronic' here, way more expensive then savox, ($150 vs $100) now I search under sanwa name, surprise, It is cheaper then Savox in HK!

I think savox will be cheap in HK, as it is only Taiwan brand, if you can get Sanwa for less then Savox, then no doubt Sanwa! (Savox 1268 is $99 here, Airtronic version of Sanwa 963 is $149!)

作者: egg666    時間: 2014-10-23 02:23


Tekin....Tekin....Tekin....好痕呀..又out budget 啦 (不過為左隻三和就唯有入Tekin, HW BEC得6V )
作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-23 03:20
One downside for Tekin Gen 2 .. is the colour ..   WHITE ..  9 not to 8 ...   the must really want to open up China market ..
作者: benlau    時間: 2014-10-26 02:39
egg666 發表於 2014-10-23 02:23

我好耐之前玩油雞,三和係至愛但貴所以呢期冇去留意。不過樓上師兄話仲平過savox就 ...


作者: benlau    時間: 2014-10-26 02:43
egg666 發表於 2014-10-23 02:23

我好耐之前玩油雞,三和係至愛但貴所以呢期冇去留意。不過樓上師兄話仲平過savox就 ...


作者: egg666    時間: 2014-10-29 03:25
最後扑左 Tekin RX8, T8, Sanwa 962

作者: 965    時間: 2014-10-29 05:33

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