下次同你玩車唔好起你隔離,唔係會死得更慘作者: kenny_Chui 時間: 2007-2-4 03:24
??????作者: 泉 時間: 2007-2-4 05:06
影埋架車架變成點至夠勁作者: 星野一義 時間: 2007-2-4 11:06 作者: simonwang002 時間: 2007-2-4 23:49
i saw this shell in pyc rubbish bin on sunday@@作者: monkichi0210 時間: 2007-2-5 10:22
what did "he" do??????u rap it like that....tooooooo bad..........作者: kennykpchow 時間: 2007-2-6 02:51 標題: 回復 #15 泉 的帖子 下次俾你睇。作者: kennykpchow 時間: 2007-2-6 02:51 標題: 回復 #18 monkichi0210 的帖子 He disobey me, so that he got his end like that.........作者: kennykpchow 時間: 2007-2-6 02:52 標題: 回復 #17 simonwang002 的帖子 On Sunday, there were no cleaning team working.
U R lucky to saw it.作者: kennykpchow 時間: 2007-2-6 02:54 標題: 回復 #11 上元RC者 的帖子 一不做,二不休。連圖都換埋先夠勁秋。