RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區
標題: "Palm" sized touring car [打印本頁]
作者: X-POWER 時間: 2014-12-18 15:03
標題: "Palm" sized touring car
Since we announced X-Power team is working on a "Palm" sized touring car last week, we received tremendous response from the market. Thankyou so much for those who contributed valuable comments. We will definitely take them into considerat⋯⋯ion. We are at the very advance stage of our phototype car but we are still working very hard to improve it further. One thing should be well understood by majority of you all but we would take this opportunity to emphasis here is this car is running on "brushless motor" technology. As we said last week, the ultimate objective of us is to let you playing this "Palm" sized touring car as if you were playing your 1/10 one.