作者: lespaul 時間: 2007-2-22 01:29
If playing F350, I suggest to play it with 4channels, use a skysports only cost around HKD600. This is the spirit of enjoying changing gear. If play it with 2 channel, better pick another car until you can affort to buy the whole equipments!!作者: simon6678 時間: 2007-7-15 12:54
Any other items we need to put in to play the F350??? I saw there is a light and sound set also....作者: Evo露筍 時間: 2007-7-15 13:52 標題: 回復 #7 simon6678 的帖子 聲燈set睇你覺得有冇需要lor,因為套野個價錢夠買多架F350~~
diy可以$50搞掂, 燈set就大概$4-500左右........作者: rocky 時間: 2007-7-15 13:57
入面有介紹 http://www.tamiya.com/japan/products/57059ford_f350/index.htm