原帖由 Chrispo 於 2007-2-23 08:58 發表
個人的經驗: 就算是普通摩打, 如果齒比不正確 (either undergear or overgear), 亦可以出現Overheat的現象, 每兩三排电就要用上一對碳擦, 而且銅頭亦須常常打磨, 其中所花的時间及精神是相當大的。當 ...
原帖由 binary 於 2007-2-23 09:43 發表
Totally agree!! really get sick of those brushed system..... 最慘就係... 就算你唔介意摩打 performance 因為舊銅頭及炭刷以下跌,佢都會因為缺乏照料連旭都唔旭!死未? What I'm talking is just ...
原帖由 GigaRacer 於 2007-2-23 09:11 發表
so you vote for brushless? you haven't voted yet.
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2007-2-23 21:44 發表
原帖由 binary 於 2007-2-23 22:05 發表
You always have to use full throttle if you're under-gearing... which means the motor always has to be in high-revs range which generates heat once again.
原帖由 binary 於 2007-2-23 22:05 發表
You always have to use full throttle if you're under-gearing... which means the motor always has to be in high-revs range which generates heat once again.
原帖由 GigaRacer 於 2007-3-8 05:39 發表
For those who selected "銅頭 machine", you may want to re-consider...
I bought a second-hand Novak 5800 brushless with the SS ESC. Man.... that thing is fast, and I know I don't need ...
原帖由 jpmontoya2 於 2007-3-8 10:25 發表
Brushless is the way~~
i just got my Mamba Max ESC too.....will test it this weekend....
i can see the tire is ballooning~~~..heheeh
原帖由 binary 於 2007-3-8 11:04 發表
Congrats and enjoy it. Please tell us your test report of Mamba Max ESC.
原帖由 lespaul 於 2007-3-8 12:00 發表
4.5 BL for 6 cells is too fast, few fans use 3.5R in four cells to reduce the speed, the performance is fruitful.....good for novice or 23T brush motor lovers..
原帖由 <i>binary</i> 於 2007-2-23 22:05 發表<br /><br /><br />You always have to use full throttle if you're under-gearing... which means the motor always has to be in high-revs range which generates heat once again. <img src="images/smilies/shy.gif" smilieid="8" border="0" alt="" />
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2007-3-8 16:48 發表
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2007-3-8 16:48 發表
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2007-3-8 16:48 發表
原帖由 Chrispo 於 2007-3-8 20:17 發表
This is different from what Binary is saying. Your motor is not loaded under the condition that you've mentioned. The motor is worked with the resistance of the driving system only. When you ru ...
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2007-3-8 16:48 發表
原帖由 loman 於 2007-3-9 09:34 發表
stupid boy, under gear 行車架車係有loading, 唔同四輪離地空轉, 係有機會過熱的.
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