RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區
標題: Choice for motor which same Grade as Tamiya Torque Tuned [打印本頁]
作者: stevenyu2000 時間: 2015-7-9 22:03
標題: Choice for motor which same Grade as Tamiya Torque Tuned
Dear brothers ,
As my RGT R2 Pro cannot install the Tamiya Torque Tune Motor , may I know any other Brushed motor can be choose which is same grade / speed as it ?
Thank you
作者: kelvinayhh 時間: 2015-7-9 22:18
brushless la
作者: stevenyu2000 時間: 2015-7-9 22:25
作者: stevenyu2000 時間: 2015-7-9 22:29
no la because we group a friend include ne are newbid , we confirm to use same motor to race 。 and i have buy the esc already。
作者: stevenyu2000 時間: 2015-7-9 22:31
估唔到部 r2 pro 裝唔到隻 torque tune , 要買第二隻。但公平起見,要揾返隻同级之摩打
作者: rk2 時間: 2015-7-10 16:06
作者: ICY 時間: 2015-7-10 19:45
作者: hydrogen9999 時間: 2015-7-10 21:47
作者: kkchung 時間: 2015-7-10 23:58
本帖最後由 kkchung 於 2015-7-11 00:26 編輯
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