標題: Mini Z : alll option by kyosho [打印本頁] 作者: laiph 時間: 2007-3-19 10:08 標題: Mini Z : alll option by kyosho Just collect my Mini Z with all options from kyosho. Because it is very difficult to buy the oprions in HK ( for example RM motor mount , damper , damper spring , AWD gear Cover, U.Shaft etc..) Finall , I buy in Japan .
all to kyosho.
Although , I don't know the preformance of kyosho's options is good or not for racing in track. But I like it very much , because it is made in Japan. No tolerance , and excellent good fit .
other brand the tolerance is higher and no so fit. Because original I use Atmoic & PN option for my AWD , but no so good, so I change all to kyosho. Kyosho options is expensive but no choice is better then original kyosho options in quality control. ( may be some brand qty is better then kyosho but I don't know)
Now , I still lookting for some kyosho options from My MR-01 . and F1 parts. Becuase some kyoshi options is limited
[ 本帖最後由 800mah 於 2007-3-20 01:33 編輯 ]作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 01:18
btw, a lot of the options i see from your cars are not from kyosho....
on the mr01, u have a GPM damper set.
on the MZM & OL, u've got some non-kyosho damper stay again.
and the battery clips on the mr02 don't look like kyosho either.
correct me if i am wrong, i'm not trying to be mean, just to let u know that i am a mini-z freak too !!! 作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 01:22
some crazy stuff that i've done before... 作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 01:24
my overlands...作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 01:31
mr015 .... 作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 01:33
仲有 AWD, 賣左既monster, mr01...唔post 得咁多 ...作者: htctyo 時間: 2007-3-20 07:22 標題: MIN z Thanks for for your sharing. good for me
some parts is not kyosho options. for example overland . kyosho doesn't produce the damper stay , so I need to buy others to make it stronger. if kyosho have this I must buy.作者: mikewu 時間: 2007-3-20 14:56
You are missing Mini Z F1.............
I have F1 (1), OL (1), Monster (1), AWD (1) MR015 (1) MR02 (2) ............. And countless shells........... 作者: htctyo 時間: 2007-3-20 16:14 標題: minz can you share some photo for me, mikewu作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 19:42
原帖由 htctyo 於 2007-3-20 16:14 發表
can you share some photo for me, mikewu
你睇完 mike哥 d野只會感到自己既渺小... 作者: htctyo 時間: 2007-3-20 20:08 標題: mini z ok no problem, just for learning作者: 800mah 時間: 2007-3-20 21:44
just kidding la, btw , where do u play your Ooverland or monster ?作者: sfdo 時間: 2007-3-20 22:09
妄想如果捐一兩部俾車場 share 俾其他人學下野 咁意義就大了....