THX!作者: gegegum 時間: 2006-2-20 00:20
冇理由架!?作者: mikewu 時間: 2006-2-20 00:25
I suppose you know you need to change the "toung" for AE86 as well, right? You can't just take the AE86 cover off and try to slip it into the chassis..... It's the part in the front of the chassis where it holds by 2 screws..........
If you still have no idea, I suggest you bring the car and the cover, get on a cross tunnel bus and go to a place call KWS or any of the two track and they'll help you there....作者: 椰禮 時間: 2006-2-20 00:45
有冇得影下相睇下你係點解裝唔到作者: hid 時間: 2006-2-20 03:56
車面及車底分別各有兩口螺絲, 拆開後將長齒輪換為短齒輪, 可以將成份車頭叔入一格, 攪掂.
因為我都係甘樣先裝到嫁.作者: Scania 時間: 2006-2-25 14:29