我估車主諗住display咋嘛?呢架o野咁靚!作者: 007 時間: 2007-4-20 22:52
I like the siren light.作者: 大頭妹 時間: 2007-4-20 23:31
型到震呀作者: agentjerry 時間: 2007-4-21 00:24
原帖由 boogie 於 2007-4-20 22:18 發表
$250 from rc model
can u explain how to install the light setting and the source of power for the lighting
tks作者: boogie 時間: 2007-4-21 03:39 標題: 回復 #12 agentjerry 的帖子 i use 9v for the headlight and the tail light and use the 7.2v (which connect to the motor) for the police light.作者: 12wai3 時間: 2007-4-21 11:04 標題: 回復 #1 boogie 的帖子 好正呀, 超型