原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-30 02:56 PM 發表
塊地太爛..... 草地好d.....
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-30 03:09 PM 發表
$638 +
both in Cheong X.
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-30 03:16 PM 發表
should be.
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-30 03:31 PM 發表
<>intellect 3000mAh for two black pigs..... 15-20 mins......<IMG alt= src="./images/smilies/titter.gif" border=0 smilieid="9"></P>
<> </P> ...
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-30 15:31 發表
<>intellect 3000mAh for two black pigs..... 15-20 mins......<IMG alt= src="./images/smilies/titter.gif" border=0 smilieid="9"></P>
<> </P> ...
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2007-5-1 09:54 發表
I got a Twin detonator too. As it is my sons toy, it equips with the original mechanical speed controller only. The performance is fine even using mechanical speed controller.
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-1 10:54 發表
What is RTR???
原帖由 <I>ryancmlam</I> 於 2007-5-1 09:54 發表 I got a Twin detonator too. As it is my sons toy, it equips with the original mechanical speed controller only. The performance is fine even using mechanical speed controller.
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-1 10:58 發表
<P> </P>
<P>細路仔平平地玩住先啦...... 但be careful don't touch the MSC....so hot!!!</P>
RTR? no, it is not.
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-1 12:57 發表
intellect 3000mAh.... use 1 pack...
but i have 2 packs .. may use 2 packs later.,.
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-1 14:47 發表
15-20 mins for one pack...
2 packs not tried yet.... but i am afraid will to fast and uncontrolled !!!!
原帖由 <I>Badman916</I> 於 2007-5-2 01:25 發表我諗住用一排電算喇, 孖電一來重, 二來架車無原裝位放第二舊電要擺0係車架頂會好高重心.
原帖由 <I>Sazabi</I> 於 2007-5-2 10:12 發表玩佐3次,其中2次都係甩螺絲收塲(丟失),2次都係被震位個粒半"牙"螺絲,請問有冇辦法?另想問大家有否用膠水"痴"實車呔?因為唔明白說明書話"唔好痴",但個呔於高速時好似鬆 ...
原帖由 mikewu 於 2007-5-2 04:06 PM 發表
have you guys thought about the Ezilla before you getting the tamiya? If you have a choice again, would you still go wtih the tamiya or Ezilla/E savage?
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-2 16:31 發表
I would choose E savage ......................
if I win Mark Six tonight !!!!
no one would like to buy corolla insteal of BMW if he had enough cash......
原帖由 tungkee 於 2007-5-2 22:44 發表
同埋twin detonator用來遊街慢行會好過 e savage
原帖由 agentjerry 於 2007-5-3 00:10 發表
what means by 遊街慢行?
原帖由 Sazabi 於 2007-5-2 10:12 發表
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-4 02:30 發表
encounter same problem tonight....
what is the solution??
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-4 14:46 發表
"貫穿螺絲孔,然後用"絲母"在另一邊修實...." actually I think it is a good method and I wonder why this model do not adopt this method. But 貫穿 you need to use a very long 螺絲 ! ...
原帖由 <I>Sazabi</I> 於 2007-5-4 15:44 發表或可用鋼線穿過縛實(剛剛想到的)<IMG alt= src="./images/smilies/tongue.gif" border=0 smilieid="7">
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-4 17:00 發表
<> </P>
<> </P>
<>you mean : use 鋼線 to replace screw?? or just wrap the screw to prevent it from loosen ?</P>
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-28 02:44 發表
<>因為心急..... 個殼未嘖.... 就攞架車去玩..... finally....</P>
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-7 11:46 發表
your TD should be very fast...
how many turns of your motors?
one or two battery?
原帖由 bcgg 於 2007-5-7 11:49 發表
25T, 14.4v, it much move powerful!
Try to use two 7.2V, you will feel very different I sure!!!
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-7 11:10 AM 發表
post photo if you finish the cover...
原帖由 Badman916 於 2007-5-7 07:16 發表
排骨一條, YEA!
原帖由 AltezzaMak 於 2007-5-10 23:25 發表
我都有部twin detonator, 玩起慢爬車轆空轉都幾勁, 你地有冇鎖差速呀?
原帖由 AltezzaMak 於 2007-5-11 12:10 AM 發表
你用Novak Super Duty XR ESC ? 你買左幾$
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