原帖由 boogie 於 2006-2-24 21:19 發表
Thx, but if DIY what should i buy?
原帖由 boogie 於 2006-2-24 21:19 發表
Thx, but if DIY what should i buy?
原帖由 kawada 於 2006-2-27 12:36 發表
As per my previous thread .. if u need to DIY a set of it .. u should get the following ready ..
Ultra bright - White / Blue LED - 3V ( there are 2 major types of LED available .. Consistanly ...
原帖由 Ryu 於 2006-2-27 13:30 發表
電阻呀電阻呀...........搭一句嗲先, 琴日用4粒普通紅光 (因為我未搵到有紅既超光), patpat痕用粒 3.6v搭落去, 4粒可憐既 led就咁一命嗚呼............但普通$2.5一粒既白光, 我用2粒only, 搭3.6v都唔會 ...
原帖由 kawada 於 2006-2-27 14:10 發表
Sorry ah .. dont have, since i asked the shopper for their recommendation. they will pick something appropriate for u ..
LED = 3V then u need a resistor to regulate the voltage from 6V to 3V..
原帖由 boogie 於 2006-2-27 20:36 發表
Thx brothers.....
Can i find all i need in 鴨寮街? or anywhere else?
by the way can someone post some pics here to show me how you connect your light?
原帖由 kawada 於 2006-3-3 10:42 發表
Yes u may find everything u need for DIY LED at Apliu Street.. Regarding to led linkage.. its as simple as XYZ....
1. LED got 2 " Legs " Short one is " + "
2. solder ...
原帖由 Ryu 於 2006-3-3 11:29 發表
你覺得...........如果唔加係任何電阻, 係receiver攞7.2v電 去推 8粒白色超光, 會唔會燒 ?
原帖由 kawada 於 2006-3-3 11:33 發表
agreed .. but the recommended circit will help to prevent LED burnt upon collison .. since if either 1 or 2 LED burnt the entire voltage input will be increase .. thz all up to ur own preference ...
原帖由 Ryu 於 2006-3-3 11:45 發表
唔係唔想加電阻, 係唔識買同加
另外想問, 如果駁去motor攞電, 變成俾油先著燈, 因為經過左esc, 電壓會唔會唔止7.2v ?
full雞 會唔會即燒呢 ?
原帖由 kawada 於 2006-3-3 10:42 發表
1. LED got 2 " Legs " Short one is " + "
原帖由 G4guy 於 2006-3-4 01:52 發表
kawada, It have some correction, Short one should " -- "
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