I was just thinking if anyone would be interested to "chip-in" and rent a track for maybe 2 hours just for drifting........... I guess the cost would really depends on how many people going.....
I suppose drifting in a track would be a lot of fun... much easier than looking around all the time but this is just a suggestion.....
I want to see the reaction first before I get more information...作者: 地獄羊咩仔 時間: 2006-2-23 20:24
2d場咁光 部車d燈都用唔到啦
3 好怕撞花部愛車
雖然有車場固然係好,因為有固定賽道,但個人都係like 飛波地~作者: Edde 時間: 2006-2-23 21:10
Good idea, I'm very interesting
部車唔落地咪唔會花囉作者: 地獄羊咩仔 時間: 2006-2-23 21:25
唔係e個問題,係響場玩,怕比人射pet pet攪到失控作者: hkopium 時間: 2006-2-23 23:36
Count me in! Mike 兄.作者: mikewu 時間: 2006-2-24 01:00
But I think if we play drifting, there shouldn't be any body "shoot pat pat" because drifters are not racing for speed. Just to do nice corners..... No one should be hitting anyone else....
I think the surface of tracks is perfect for drifting because it's gotta be perfectly smooth.
Who cares about lights la! Drifting is not about showing off your covers. It's about skills! You don't want to be "all show, no go" ga! 作者: hkopium 時間: 2006-2-25 13:55
Brother MikeWu,
(1) Which track do you have in mind?
(2) Can reserve the whole track for drifting cars only?
(3) If around 10 people, how much do you think it will cost?作者: mikewu 時間: 2006-2-26 20:43
I'll check with PYC someday. Right now, TC seems to be way too busy for any private party but I guess PYC could have some chance for private party. 2 hours shouldn't be impossible. I'll check with more information... but so far seems like not many people are interested wor......作者: J 時間: 2006-2-26 20:55
I m interested in that ar...... but, you know
help u push push.