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標題: 有冇人玩過呢部Q嫂 TR-15呢??? [打印本頁]

作者: iCoke    時間: 2006-2-24 01:57
標題: 有冇人玩過呢部Q嫂 TR-15呢???
我想買部BUGGY都有一排嫁啦~不過又唔想比咁多$又想玩下~咁岩今日比我係KWS 見到呢部 TR-15 套裝車
一套都係15XX 有D心郁郁~我又唔係咁想玩1:8 大部得滯~~不過都係睇下各位既意見先決定~~~~~~

1:呢部車 快唔快呢??? 15級啵好似

2:呢部車D 令件係KWS 易唔易搵到呢???令件唔齊買左都冇咩用一壞就大獲~~~

3:呢部車  呢部車有冇孖速嫁???

4:呢部車 D 野易唔易欄OR壞???佢好既咩地方 唔好又咩地方呢???????



作者: buggyg    時間: 2006-2-24 02:01
if you just gonna play around, this small truck is not bad.. but the parts... I can said...real hard to find in some shop in KWS... unless you can ask some shop in there order for u.....for sure need to long waiting...

for off road.. I don't suggest to use 2 speed bcz it is hard to control when jumping and hard to control in track...

for .15 engine... for play is ok.. don't expect it is very fast... bcz it is .15 engine by Kyosho only...

for me, i will suggest to buy a real buggy from some taiwan brand name, like HN or HaoBo... RTR set around $2xxx, or China brand Nantai... they will have one new buggy will issue in April very soon.
作者: buggyg    時間: 2006-2-24 02:17
some link here :

Hong Nor X1CR RTR
http://www.hongnor.com.tw/pviewi ... area=29&cat=129

Kyosho TR15
http://www.kyosho.co.jp/web/prod ... _tr15resyset-e.html
作者: iCoke    時間: 2006-2-24 02:29
咁1:10既油BUGGY 好玩D丫定係玩星星果部DF02好玩D呢????
意思係跑出黎2者飛JUMP呀 速度呀之類咁樣~~~~~我都仲係到心大心細玩 Q嫂1:10定星星DF02=.=~我又唔多覺有人傾下呢2部車~_~唔知點好
1:8我要遲小小換左新HOME先考慮~~~THX BUGGYG~~~

[ 本帖最後由 iCoke 於 2006-2-24 02:31 編輯 ]
作者: WTO    時間: 2006-2-24 07:21
1:8 buggy la .
作者: Skyline    時間: 2006-2-24 11:01
原帖由 iCoke 於 2006-2-24 01:57 發表
我想買部BUGGY都有一排嫁啦~不過又唔想比咁多$又想玩下~咁岩今日比我係KWS 見到呢部 TR-15 套裝車
一套都係15XX 有D心郁郁~我又唔係咁想玩1:8 大部得滯~~不過都係睇下各位既意見先決定~~~~~~

1:呢部車 快唔快 ...

Haha, I tried this one before ....  

The engine is .15 size if I could remember, and not much changes U would like to do to the Buggy.  The speed is quite OK, in terms of the original design.  However, the engine is hard to tune to the optimal speed and temperature - because u would usually feel the Buggy not fast enough and U would keep turning the high speed needle.  Not a bad one to start off with but however, can't U find any other substitue in the market??  

作者: ftbingobingo    時間: 2006-3-2 17:17
Buy a HPI Nitro MT if you prefer 1:10, I have both TR15 and MT, the classis design and the adusjablity of MT is better.
作者: miniz    時間: 2006-3-2 22:46
MT ?  i hear my friend said HPI is very hard to find parts because they never keep stock prats
i like MT 2 the design is very cool
but i already to brough TR-15 because i can find the parts is 慢利

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