靚的 ESC 未必唔想有後波
但先天設計有限制, 所以無計作者: Rcrounder 時間: 2007-5-13 01:18
IF the ESC has 後波 it needs mosfets in bridge configuration plus it need n-channel and P channel mosfets to control the motor, i.e. the current will go through two mosfet plus the motor. 無後波 ESC the current only go through one n channel mosfet plus the motor. The Rdson (or =resistance, you may see it on the box of the ESC) of 有後波電變 is much higher (higher resistance lose more power) than 無後波電變.作者: chung209 時間: 2007-5-13 02:46 標題: 回復 #6 觀星是答案 的帖子 多謝你的回復呀觀星帥兄作者: chung209 時間: 2007-5-13 02:50 標題: 回復 #7 Rcrounder 的帖子 更加多謝你的長細回復呀Rcrounder 帥兄