RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: M03 Gear [打印本頁]

作者: yokomo    時間: 2007-5-15 13:51
標題: M03 Gear
I found that the M03 Gears is very noisy.

Do u have any suggestion to improve this situation?

Thanks All !!
作者: gibson    時間: 2007-5-15 14:06
All you need is a silencer!!  but not exist yet!!  Just kidding!!
作者: omecon2000    時間: 2007-5-15 15:13
作者: kenhung    時間: 2007-5-15 15:23
原帖由 omecon2000 於 2007-5-15 15:13 發表

部部M仔都咁上下,just for fun!
作者: vr2xvh    時間: 2007-5-15 16:03
作者: courel500    時間: 2007-5-15 16:39
原帖由 yokomo 於 2007-5-15 13:51 發表
I found that the M03 Gears is very noisy.

Do u have any suggestion to improve this situation?

Thanks All !!

通常如果開始嘈既表示佢將會死比你睇 ( 掃牙 ) !

基本上佢唔行得先至換 , 嘈就由佢嘈 !

解決方法 : 減少撞車就係最好方法 !
作者: vr2xvh    時間: 2007-5-15 18:33
減少撞車就係最好方法 ---> 如果係TWH湯車場係好難避免喎.....
作者: courel500    時間: 2007-5-16 00:00
原帖由 vr2xvh 於 2007-5-15 18:33 發表
減少撞車就係最好方法 ---> 如果係TWH湯車場係好難避免喎.....

都唔係既 ! 一係行最尾慢慢爬人頭 , 一係一支箭咁走左去 , 咁就睇你點玩啦 !
作者: gary    時間: 2007-5-16 00:35
原帖由 courel500 於 2007-5-16 00:00 發表

都唔係既 ! 一係行最尾慢慢爬人頭 , 一係一支箭咁走左去 , 咁就睇你點玩啦 !

作者: Tim    時間: 2007-5-16 05:21
M03 gears will always be louder than a touring car, but there are ways to make the M03 less noisy than other peoples M03.

1. When building the M03 install the spur gear (with small shaft and bearings) into the right hand half of the chassis, try spinning it - does it spin freely? I've noticed that half of the M03 chassis are tweaked, which means the spur gear will hit on the chassis and make a noise.
Either grind away part of the chassis, or grind 1 or 2mm from the spur, now test again, keep grinding spur or chassis until the spur spins freely.

2. Now install the spur gear into the left side of the chassis and check to see if it spins freely - usually it will, it is mainly the right hand half of the chassis that has the problem.

3. Now that your spur gear spins freely repeat steps 1 & 2 but using the long idler gear, grind the idler/chassis until this also spins freely.

Some people say a ball diff is quieter than a gear diff as there is less contact area with the gears.

This should reduce some of the noise and make your drive train spin freely. You can also try using a very light grease, or teflon spray on the gears to reduce noise further.

Hope this helps
作者: yokomo    時間: 2007-5-16 09:07
標題: 回復 #10 Tim 的帖子
Thanks a lot!!

Right, the gear may hit on chassis somewhere. Also, seem the gear teeth may contact together too close. Anyway, let's try to fix it.
作者: Kolo    時間: 2007-5-16 21:32
可使用峰利界刀將各膠齒邊斜cut 1mm,有效降低噪音。

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