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標題: 買唔到 Blackfoot , 唯有......... [打印本頁]

作者: dl7    時間: 2007-5-16 20:56
標題: 買唔到 Blackfoot , 唯有.........
買唔到 Blackfoot in KWS , <br>唯有.........<br><img smilieid="8" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0"><img smilieid="8" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0"><img smilieid="8" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0"><img smilieid="8" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0"><img smilieid="8" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0"><br><br><img src="http://www.koi2u.info/bbs/files/0_152.jpg"><br>
作者: mikewu    時間: 2007-5-16 21:14
Midnight Pumpkin is more fun than Blackfoot la... Besides you got the "Metalic Special" version!  If I were you, I wouldn't even play it!!!     Cong.!  (Watch out for body post, it's the weakest point of the whole truck!)
作者: dl7    時間: 2007-5-16 22:01
Yes... the metalic shell is really beautiful.
<br>Any soft plastic shell is fit to that so I can keep this metalic one?
<br>Thank you!

<br><br>By the way, what is body post? Any parts can enhance that?<br>
作者: Evo露筍    時間: 2007-5-17 00:05
南瓜一樣好玩~blackfoot玩速度,南瓜玩funny +少少速度
作者: dl7    時間: 2007-5-17 00:34
少少速度 means it is slow???

作者: monkichi0210    時間: 2007-5-17 01:34
原帖由 Evo露筍 於 2007-5-17 00:05 發表
南瓜一樣好玩~blackfoot玩速度,南瓜玩funny +少少速度

要快的話MP都可以好快......但玩星星大腳....又為咩要玩咁快?????要快就玩TEAM ASSO.同LOSI果D啦............
作者: rc2006    時間: 2007-5-17 01:49
原帖由 dl7 於 2007-5-17 00:34 發表
少少速度 means it is slow???

唔系, MP 玩抽頭和跳的.
另外你留番個令令殼, 下圖的代替殼都好 CUTIE 的...
作者: dl7    時間: 2007-5-17 10:27
Where can I find the 代替殼?
How much?
作者: rc2006    時間: 2007-5-17 10:36
原帖由 dl7 於 2007-5-17 10:27 發表
Where can I find the 代替殼?
How much?

見到 '剪'記有, $14x. 田宮出的,不過是沒有電鍍bumper的 Racing 殼.
作者: Evo露筍    時間: 2007-5-17 11:04
樓主果set light blub好似係燈泡黎wor~點解唔買LED呢?LED光d靚d同埋慳電d wor~
作者: Evo露筍    時間: 2007-5-17 11:07
標題: 回復 #10 rc2006 的帖子
作者: monkichi0210    時間: 2007-5-17 11:09
原帖由 dl7 於 2007-5-17 10:27 發表
Where can I find the 代替殼?
How much?

actually any M-chassis body can fit for the MP.......all around HK $1xx...........but all also have to make some small modification on mounting......but the point is it's look good or not.....

but in my own opinion.....MP is a MP.......not MP body is not a MP......that it's!!!!
作者: smallfaifai    時間: 2007-5-17 11:10
原帖由 Evo露筍 於 2007-5-17 11:07 發表


作者: Evo露筍    時間: 2007-5-17 11:13
標題: 回復 #14 smallfaifai 的帖子
作者: sIUcHuN    時間: 2007-5-17 11:14
作者: dl7    時間: 2007-5-17 17:24
原帖由 <i>Evo露筍</i> 於 2007-5-17 11:04 發表
樓主果set light blub好似係燈泡黎wor~點解唔買LED呢?LED光d靚d同埋慳電d wor~
<br><br>&nbsp;I just find the original ESC need to plug to the receiver's "BATT"........<br>&nbsp;So, where can I get the 電??<br>&nbsp;<img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt="" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt="" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt="" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0">

<br><br><br>O.........it's not LED????? I bought from the 1st shop and they put it in the box and I didn't aware tim...........<br>&nbsp;<img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0"> <img src="./images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="4" alt=":'(" border="0">

[ 本帖最後由 dl7 於 2007-5-17 20:37 編輯 ]
作者: rc2006    時間: 2007-5-17 23:27
Oh yeah, the Tamiya's TEU101BK needs you to connect the 'batt' to the battery plug of the

You can get one of those 'y'  cables...  Still , need to work out the wiring to make it applies.

Cheer up brother, you learn something from building models, isn't that part of the fun ?

(That's for me, at lease).
作者: dl7    時間: 2007-5-18 00:14
'y' cables can get from KWS?
Thank you!

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