原帖由 RcFun 於 2007-5-22 14:45 發表
vr2 兄, 可否打開個殼睇下 ?
原帖由 大頭妹 於 2007-5-22 16:17 發表
原帖由 大頭妹 於 2007-5-22 16:36 發表
我唔識架,我 cap 人地 d gif 檔落黎架渣
你識呀?教我 ok 嗎?
原帖由 vr2uhu 於 2007-5-22 16:42 發表
我多數係同老豆鬧交隻秋時用(he teach me this when i'lm small...haha)....又或姐蝦我女友時先用既.....(別吾會...我吾打女人...係佢想打我時要來格下姐)
haha...我just know a liittle. dare not to teach a ...
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-5-22 19:51 發表
how to seal the motor??
原帖由 RcFun 於 2007-5-22 20:14 發表
Receiver & Motor no need waterproof ??
The water is very deep down there if WW2 can play like that. No need to worry rainy day any more.
All the public parks will belong to us since no body w ...
原帖由 Sazabi 於 2007-5-23 11:14 發表
原帖由 mikewu 於 2007-5-23 17:44 發表
Receiver and ESC are the only major waterproofing items you need... Motor is not necessary and for the servo.... (well, use something cheap like 3003 should be ok... but eventually it'll die I ...
原帖由 教主 於 2007-5-24 06:22 發表
Waaa~~~ FUNNNNN ~~~~~~~~
but how about the bearing ? >< "
原帖由 Sazabi 於 2007-5-25 10:06 發表
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